14 April 2008
To: All AH6, AH7, KH6, KH7, NH6, NH7, WH6, WH7 prefix hams
Subject: KH6 Hawaii QSL Bureau
The Big Island Amateur Radio Club, (BIARC) assumed management of the ARRL KH6 QSL Bureau on 1 April 2008. We receive QSL cards from other bureaus around the world and redistribute them from our base in Hilo. This Bureau is open to all amateur radio operators. ARRL membership is not required. We do not provide Outgoing QSL service. Detailed information on the ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau service can be located at:
There are guidelines for the use of the incoming QSL service on the ARRL website at:
http://www.arrl.org/qsl/qslin but here is some additional information specific to KH6.
1. Rather than sending self addressed envelopes and stamps, we recommend that bureau users establish money credits to enable best utilization of your funds. This will allow us to provide proper mailer and exact postage for the amount of cards being shipped to you, independent of current and future price increases on stamps and regulations of thickness of envelopes, etc. Checks can be made out to KH6 Hawaii QSL Bureau, and mailed to:
KH6 Hawaii QSL Bureau, Attn: Barbara Darling NH7FY, PO Box 1938, Hilo, HI 96721
2. We are receiving cards from QSL Bureaus for KH6/ callsigns that have European, JA and USA mainland QSL Managers, so it is obvious these QSLs are being sent to us without identifying the QSL Manager on the QSL. We are sending those cards directly to the QSL Manager because we think it appropriate that the QSL gets to its destination without additional delay.
3. If you do not want to receive bureau cards, please notify Barbara Darling NH7FY by mail at the bureau address, or by email at: nh7fy@yahoo.com . Your notification on qrz.com that “NO BUREAU CARDS will be accepted” will not prevent those cards from arriving. If you choose not to receive bureau cards, cards that are received for you will be stamped “Direct Only, No Bureau Cards” and returned to the sender via the ARRL QSL Bureau System. If you change your mind and want those cards, you must notify NH7FY as described above.
At some time in the future the Big Island Amateur Radio Club website, http://www.biarc.net, will be updated to include information about the KH6 Hawaii QSL Bureau.
Any concerns regarding the KH6 Hawaii QSL Bureau operation should be directed to Barbara Darling at nh7fy@yahoo.com , or to the bureau address.
73, 88, and Aloha,
Barbara Darling, NH7FY, KH6 Hawaii QSL Bureau Manager
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