Books Taken

Books Taken List


Taken Title
2004 Emergency Response Guidebook
ARES Field Resources Manual
CGI By Example
DXing Behind the Scene
Dynamic HTML
FCC Interference Handbook
Todd Getting on Track with APRS
Ham Radio for Dummies
JAVA Programming Basics
JAVAScript & JQuery
JAVAScript by Example
Learning PHP & MySQL
Ralph LINUX in a Nutshell
LINUX Unleashed
Ralph Low Profile Amateur Radio
Mobile Two Way Radio Coommunications
NOSINTRO TCP over Packet Radio
PERL Cookbook
PERL in a Nutshell
PHP, MySQ, JAVAScript &
HTML5 for Dummies
Practical Antenna Handbook
Practical Antenna Manual
Public Service Commuications Manual
Radio Angels
Running LINUX
Todd The ARRL Advanced Class License Manual
The ARRL Antenna Handbook
The ARRL Extra Class License Manual
The ARRL Handbook 1996
The ARRL Handbook 2002
The ARRL HF Digital Handbook
The ARRL Operating Manual
The ARRL Tech Q & A
The FCC Rule Book
Ralph The LINUX Bible
Ron Transmitter Hunting Radio Direction
Finding Simplified
Ron Understanding Basic Electronics
UNIX Communications
UNIX in a Nutshell
UNIX System Administration Handbook
Ron Web Design in a Nutshell
Webmaster in a Nutshell
What is your TCN Doing
Your Gateway to Packet Radio
