Ted Chernin KH6GI and Frank Buffalanano AH6CK | Rodney Morimoto KH6EX and Ray Mikami KH6AFM | |
Faye refreshes Rodney's coffee cup | Faye Archambeau keeps the coffee cups full | |
Nobu Komoda KH6BOG and George Kaneshige AH6GK and Fred Maarstan KH6BI | Herb Kaneshige KH7TKand Dale Wyatt KH6JJJ | |
Francis Blatt KH6KH, Howie Lee KH6CD, Bernie Harada KH6AEI and George Matsunari AH6BZ | Ralph Penner WH6CUQ and Francis Blatt KH6KH | |
Each Thursday morning, the oldtimers gather for Rookie Plates and talking story. Nowadays the talk is more on the latest PCs, RAM and Megabytes rather than RF, SSB and DX. Seeing old friends make for a great start of a day and all our waitresses smile and tolerate our noisy banter. Then, on to the difficult job of managing our retiremnet time. What to do....what to do next. |
George Kaneshige AH6GK |
Last update Feb 27, 1999... Email comments