Honolulu Amateur Radio Club

HARC Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 4 April-May 1999

Don't Forget! HARC May Meeting at: Columbia Inn on Kapiolani Time 0900 Sat May 15, 1999

Don't Forget! HARC July Meeting at: Columbia Inn on Kapiolani Time 0900 Sat July, 17, 1999

Table of contents:


President's Message

John D. Peters K1ER, President HARC

If you wondered why the April Newsletter is a bit later than the earlier editions, and why this issue covers several months. I devoted the early days in April to tax forms and decided it made more sense to publish the combined issue closer to the next meeting.

Which reminds me. The turnout for the March meeting was quite small. Hardly a meeting at all. We have more hams at the breakfast held every Tuesday morning at Denny's on Pali Momi. (You should drop by some Tuesday, 0800.)
The HARC meeting in May is on the 15th, please make an effort to attend.

We have a webpage for HARC thanks to our member Jim Yuen WH6GS. You can read the Newsletter on line and refer your out of town friends to the Web Page for information. You'll find it at http://home.hawaii.rr.com/jy/ham/harc.html
We owe three cheers to Jim Yuen. Thanks a lot Jim. I have received more than six telephone calls from people interested in becoming ham radio operators, or interested in HARC since the HARC information was posted on the ARRL page (http://www.pdarrl.org) which has a link to the page Jim put together.

This is a repeat but, did you know you could have your Email as callsign@arrl.net ? They forward the mail to your real ISP but it's a neat address for a gung ho ham. You can find ME at k1er@arrl.net. Also do you know about the ARRL Members Only Web Page? With on line articles and news in addition to QST. And the option to receive the ARRL bulletins and announcements you choose via Email. ARRL Membership is providing greater value, I hope it solves their membership problem.

Let me give a plug for another club on Oahu.
On March 13th I visited the KARC, Koolau Amateur Radio Club. They meet every month on the 2nd Saturday in the visitor center of the Hoomalmali Botanic Garden. (From H3 get on Likelike Hwy #63 North toward Kaneohe, look for the signs to Botanical Garden-it's the 2nd right When you see the KH6BZF tower and antennas, turn right and go to the end.....or keep following the signs to Botanical Garden.)

The meeting started at 9:30 and lasted until noon, with coffee to keep you alert. The meeting had two presentations, first a satellite show and tell by Peter Schieller KH6VB which included seeing some satellite tracking software on a PC, and a hand held antenna plus handheld transmitter and receiver contact with R0MIR when the MIR space station passed overhead. Then Ted Brattstrom described conditions on Midway and working 6 meters. Even though MY qsls are supposed to go via the K1!!!!! Qsl bueau, one showed up via KH6 as KH6/K1ER. Must be non hams helping in Newington.

It was a very friendly and social group. I recommend a visit to their meeting. A W5YI VE testing session follows the meeting for those desiring to upgrade their licenses.

KARC has a newsletter and a WebPage. The easiest way to find a club is to use the link on http://www.pdarrl.org but if you want to add it to your bookmarks it's http://www.chem.hawaii.edu/karc

Battleship Missouri Amateur Radio Club

Status. After receiving no action following my letter to the Battleship Missouri Board, and conversation with VADM (ret) Roy Kihune, I spoke to the Chairman/CEO Ed L. Carter about Amateur Radio on Missouri, I then wrote another letter and faxed it to Ed. I have received calls or email from 8 people wanting to be members of the BMARC, and either donate equipment or help restore the Main Radio Room. As soon as I receive a reply from the Battleship Missouri Foundation I shall apply for the Club Station License, then we'll work on the vanity callsign.

The latest information I received from VADM Roy Kihune was that "4 or 5 groups" were interested in radio on the MO. (I do NOT know that could be possible, but it probably means NOTHING will get done soon.)

Mike Wiley suggested that we go back to a meeting with a speaker. I hesitate to even invite a speaker when the attendance is only six members.

GET WELL SOON to Francis Blatt KH6KH who missed the meeting due a bad reaction to Chemotherapy, and to Peter Schiller KH6VB who had surgery and is home recovering.

Aloha, John K1ER


Brad Wyatt Pacific Division ARRL Director

John -- I have just returned from an exhausting National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas. I am recovering slowly.

The most important matter currently is the enforcement of the Amateur Radio Rules. The current active enforcement by the FCC is the first in many years. The FCC is going after repeater jammers, HF jammers, license fraud and other matters. As an example, in the Pacific Division, the FCC closed down the 145.29 K7IJ repeater in Berkeley CA along with imposing license modifications on several hams involved in its activities. This close down was the first highly publicized UHF/VHF action in the US.

There is no news from Washington DC on the License Restructuring matter. I don't expect anything to appear for another 60 days, and there is no apparent timetable.

I look forward to being in the Islands later this year, but it is likely to be a few months from now. I hope that I will be able to get to a club meeting.

In the meantime, enjoy the new enforcement actions to clean up the bands and pray that the sunspots will keep us all in contact.

73, Brad Wyatt K6WR



The Texas Senate has approved the Amateur Radio "tower bill," and the measure appears headed for passage. The measure passed its second and third readings Monday, April 19. It now goes back to the House because of a minor change in an amendment first made on the House side.

The Texas bill, HB-1345, would incorporate the essence of the limited federal preemption, PRB-1, into state law. The measure would amend the Local Government Code in Texas to prevent local jurisdictions from enacting or
enforcing ordinances that fail to comply with PRB-1. The bill further would require ordinances dealing with Amateur Radio antenna placement, screening, or height based on health, safety or aesthetics to "reasonably accommodate
amateur communications" and "represent the minimal practicable regulation to accomplish the municipality's or county's legitimate purpose."


Amateur Radio rules enforcer Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, got thunderous applause from those attending an Amateur Radio reception April 21 at the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas. The annual get-together for hams drew upwards of 1000 people.

Hollingsworth's boss, FCC Compliance and Information Bureau Chief Richard D. Lee, was introduced by Ed Williams, W8APE, after Lee said he wanted to talk to the group. He, in turn, introduced FCC Compliance Division Chief Pamera Hairston and two staffers from the FCC's Los Angeles Field Office.

Lee then sprang the surprise. Last year, Lee said, he'd promised the FCC would do Amateur Radio enforcement. This year, the FCC had Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, doing a great job.

"When I turned Riley loose, I said, 'look, you're going to be going all over the place. How can I get in touch with you?''' Lee recalled. "And he said, 'Boss, I'm like Batman, it's real simple. All you have to do is call out K4ZDH, Riley, are you around. and I'll show up, I'll be there.'"

So Lee gave it a try. "K4ZDH, Riley, are you around?" After a pause, from the back of the room Hollingsworth piped up, "Here I am," and came forward to address the gathering.

And the crowd, as they say, went wild. Hollingsworth credited both Lee and Hairston for setting the events in motion to secure better Amateur Radio enforcement. "Pam and Rich went to the chairman [William Kennard] last October and asked for amateur enforcement," he said. "At the time they went and asked for it, they were totally loaded up with pirate broadcaster cases, and the last thing they needed was more work."

But Hollingsworth said Lee, a former Marine, was serious about enforcement and, like the Marines, wants it done right. "They not only want all fronts covered, but they want them at the same time," he said.

As Hollingsworth prepared to leave the podium, Lee got the last laugh by quipping, "So, are we going to take this opportunity to retest everybody?"

The NAB convention wrapped up April 22.--thanks to Brad Wyatt, K6WR, and Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF

Thanks to the ARRL Members Page and their Newsletter! QST may be slow, not the Email!


What do YOU want HARC to do? What would YOU like to do in HARC? I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?

FCC Webpage at http://www.fcc.gov Did you know that all the comments made in response to the FCC Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) 98-143, to completely restructure Amateur Radio can be read on line? Did you know that only 1824 hams or groups cared enough to even comment on the NPRM? I and 1823 other people are deciding for YOU since you didn't comment. I only found two comments from Hawaii (but I was told that a 3rd local sent in his comments....wonder why I didn't see them) both members of HARC. Our discussion at the HARC meeting did find it's way into my seven pages of comments on the NPRM.

Calendar of Events

HARC MARCH MEETING Place: Columbia Inn on Kapiolani Time 0900 Sat MAY 15TH & JULY 17TH Breakfast and ham topics. Discuss what you like.

Breakfast Meeting Denny's on Pali Momi 0800 Every Tuesday Gathering of Hams, about a dozen

Breakfast Meeting Columbia Inn on Kapiolani 0800 Every Thursday Old Timer's Breakfast Group


Officers and Directors of HARC

President John Peters K1ER 484-9748

Vice Pres Dan Greeson KH6P

Treasurer Phil Preece NH6SA

Secretary How About YOU

Directors: Francis Blatt KH6KH

Ted Chernin KH6GI

Peter Demmer KH6CTQ

Lee Wical KH6BZF


http://www.arrl.org http://www.arrl.org

http://www.fcc.gov http://www.fcc.gov

http://www.qrz.com http://www.qrz.com

http://www.pdarrl.org http://www.pdarrl.org



Oahu Emergency Coordinators from Mike Wiley

Shortie Cagalawan NH6UW Skywarn h 540-6888

Joe Esprecion WH6CYB REACT h 836-1627 bigjoe1058@aol.com

Fred Fortin KH7CR ARES/Red Cross h 531-4046 ffortin@hmsa.com

Ron Hashiro AH6RH State RACES h 533-7530 rhashiro@gte.net

Charlie Lum Kee KH6AB HealthComm h 373-3932 clumkee@usa.net

Mike Wiley WH7T ARES/VOAD h 941-2794 mwiley@lava.net

Bev Yuen AH6NF Oahu RACES h 262-2845 bevyuen@hawaii.rr.com

Call Mike if you have a question or want to get involved. You may want to save this list of Email and phone numbers so you have it when the next storm hits Hawaii.

1999 Renewal Notice Form

If we have your address correct on the mailing label , then you only need to check the box if you're an ARRL member, and mail a $15.00 check to HARC.

If your address has changed please complete the form: Name Callsign Address City State/ZIPCODE ARRL Member? ( Yes ) ( Life) ( No). Dues for 1999 are due and remain $15

Mail to: Phil Preece NH6SA HARC Treasurer 2049 St Louis Drive Honolulu, HI 96816

HARC, John D. Peters K1ER k1er@arrl.net.
98-1547 Akaaka Street
Aiea, HI 96701-3051

HARC home page

Ham Radio Hawaii home page

This Web Page is maintained for the Hawaii Ham Radio community as a public service of

The Ham Radio in Hawaii Page