Hono Amateur Radio Club

Volume 9, Issue 3 An ARRL Affiliated Radio Club May 1, 2005

Mark your calendar -PLEASE ATTEND!
Saturday May 21, 2005
ZIPPY'S on Vineyard Blvd
Corner of Vineyard and Mauna Kea Streets
Entrance on Maunakea Street


President's Message

Here we go again

John D. Peters K1ER

President HARC

This is our third meeting in 2005, please try to attend.

News and comments

We are working to honor our long time member and now SK, Francis Blatt by ensuring his CALLSIGN remains alive. The appropriate Club is the Honolulu Chapter 206 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association. We can preserve his memory forever (all things are relative) with his Callsign in the QCWA Magazine for the Honolulu Chapter and we'll get it on the air in special events.

Clubs are only allowed one callsign and I don't want to change either KH6WO for HARC or KH6BB for the Battleship Missouri ARC so the local Chapter of QCWA is the best choice.


The Honolulu Electric Company HECO is paying an expert in RF Interference to teach classes for its employees.
Mike Martin

RFI Services in Maryland has agreed to also conduct a session for Radio Amateurs on JUNE 6 or 7th. HARC is paying to book the meeting room (Location to be determined. Watch for the announcement via Email. It will be an evening event since that is Monday or Tuesday.)

If you have any questions or problems with noise and RFI this is your chance to learn from an expert how to deal with them. The exact time and date will be promulgated via the Email bulletin boards. SM Kevin Bogan will introduce Mike. Lee KH6BZF arranged for Mike to speak to us.

Please RENEW NOW for 2005. Pay your 2005 Dues for HARC.

IF YOU ARE OVER 70 AND YOUR BIRTHDAY IS IN MAY/JUN, your breakfast is on HARC. We value our senior and experienced members and want your stories. (Let K1ER know at the next meeting.)

The Swap Meet appeared to be well attended and I had business from several hams as the DXCC Card Checker.

SILENT KEY (late report)

After the March meeting I received a report that Albert L. Brown AH6DI passed away on April 14, 2004 Our belated sympathy on his passing. I shall miss the May meeting since I'll be attending the Hamfest in Dayton, OH. See you in July.

The EARC Meeting has not been listed in the HARC Bulletin, and that was by oversight. The EARC meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at the American Red Cross bldg., 4155 Diamond Head Road, near the intersection of 18th and Diamond Head. Talk-in freq is 146.88-MHz. It starts at 7:00 pm, but many come a bit earlier because we do it as a potluck.
If your interest includes emergency communication you should visit/join the EARC.

WELCOME to all the new Hams and those who upgraded at the March HARC Meeting. We had a huge turnout for the VE session before the Breakfast and Meeting with 4 or 5 tables full of candidates for new or upgraded Amateur Radio Licenses. Nearly everyone passed and we have new first time Technicians, General and Extra.

If you have a friend who shows interest in your station or Ham Radio, tell them where to get a license Manual (Radio Shack), about the sample exams on QRZ.COM and about the tests before the HARC meeting. They must contact Lee Wical KH6BZF to make an appointment so we have the necessary testing materials.

73 John K1ER


Quiet Observations

By Kevin Bogan, AH6QO

Greetings HARC members,

I hope the spring finds you healthy and happy. I hear that the band openings into Europe are very good right now. Our ability to appreciate the openings will continue for a while. The Broadband Over Powerline (BPL) tests planned by HECO in the Aiea area are still off. Their previous testing sites are still being explored. We will have more about that at the meeting this month.

The Makini Pahili Hurricane Exercise will take place during the week of May 9th with the Amateur Radio portion taking place on May 14, 9:00am to 11:30am. The State CD repeater system will be used as well as many of the repeaters around O'ahu. This exercise will focus on the use of simplex frequencies to relay simulated Disaster Assessment Reports. If you are interested in participating, please let me know (kbogan@hawaii.rr.com) or Ray Moody, AH6LT, the OCDA RACES coordinator (moody@hawaii.edu). At the May meeting, I will let you know how it goes.

Summer is not too far away. That means that Field Day is right around the corner. June 25 and 26, 2005 are the duties. I encourage to prepare (Hurricane season starts June 1) and you can practice your emergency communication skills as well as have a good time on Field Day. There will be a number of place to go to. Talk to me and others about your plans.

Please feel free to talk to me at the meeting. I know John Peters won't be there, but we will try to have a good time anywary.

Kevin, AH6QO
HARC member and SM Pacific

(For COMPLETE TEXT go to http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/2005/0416.html?nc=1)

RE: Amateur Radio license KC2LLM; UR5DEM
Application for General Class license, File #0001642994
Case Number EB-2003-628

Dear Mr. Ryabinin:

For the following reasons, your application for General Class Amateur Radio license is being referred to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge in Washington, DC.
On September 22, 2003, we notified you that information before the Commission indicated that on numerous dates in May and September 2003 you operated on frequencies not allowed under your Technician Class license, KC2LLM [Ryabinin now holds the vanity call sign W3MMM--Ed]. The operation involved contests such as the 2003 IARU HF World Championship. We informed you that such operation raised serious questions regarding your qualifications to be a Commission licensee.

We enclosed detailed information regarding the operation on unauthorized frequencies, including documentation you had submitted in contests, and requested a response. Finally, we informed you that pending resolution of this matter, no upgrade application would be granted.

We reviewed your reply received November 12, 2003; and by letter dated January 14, 2004 we notified you that we accepted your explanation that you were confused as to the privileges granted to you under your license UR5DEM while in the United States.

Our January 14, 2004, letter clarified Section 97.107 of the Commission's rules, and reminded you that as a citizen of the United States, you are not eligible for reciprocal operating authority and in fact, no person holding an FCC-issued Amateur operator/primary station license is eligible for reciprocal operating authority. Finally, we reminded you that because you hold an FCC-issued Technician class amateur operator license, your operating privileges in the United States are those of a Technician class licensee.

On March 4, 2004, you passed the General Class examination and submitted an application for an upgrade. By letter dated June 24, 2004, we notified you that your upgrade application was under review as a result of information coming to our attention that you submitted logbooks in an Amateur Radio contest showing 5 instances of operation on 10-meter Upper Sideband on 28.499 MHz, 20 instances of operation on 10-meter Upper Sideband on 28.500 MHz, one instance of operation on 10-meter Upper Sideband on 28.508 and one instance of operation on 10-meter Upper Sideband on 28.561 MHz, all on December 14, 2003. Our letter reminded you that Commission rules do not allow Technician class licensees to operate above 28.500 MHz, and enclosed copies of the logbooks.

We requested more information, pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, in order to make a decision on your application for a General Class license. By letter dated July 26, 2004, you responded that you had operated outside of your Amateur Radio license privileges due to mistaken understanding of the rules and "fatigue during competition." You gave assurances that your mistakes would not be repeated, and, additionally, stated that if you were "not approved for General license, then please close my existing Technician license." Your explanations of the rule violations are not acceptable.

Furthermore, on October 14, 2004, the American Radio Relay League, to which you had submitted contest logs, disqualified your KF0R entry, with KC2LLM as operator, for the 2004 ARRL International DX CW Contest. That action was based upon logs you submitted that showed your operation of KF0R as a "Single-Operator Low-Power" entry. At the time of the radio operation, February 21-22, 2004, you were a Technician Plus class licensee, KC2LLM.

The logs that you submitted to the ARRL for the 2004 ARRL International DX Contest (CW) show numerous contacts made on 20 meters and 160 meters. Many contacts on 20 meters were with countries with which we have no third-party agreement. One contact on 160 meters was also made with a country with which we have no third-party agreement.

In summary, if you claim that you were operating under the direction of a control operator, you apparently violated the third-party agreement rule. If you claim you did not operate under the direction of a control operator, then you apparently violated the terms of your Technician Plus privileges, which do not allow operation on 20 meters or 160 meters.


Balance $4,474.65
April 18, 2005 statement

Expenses (shown in balance) Print and mail Newsletter.

Deposits $45
Balance $

Report as provided at the March 2005, Meeting. You may pay dues at any time. We're accepting 2005 now. We are ALSO accepting DONATIONS, equipment or money for the Amateur Radio School in the Solomon Islands (H44A).

Member Application Form

New or renewal, same form. The best way to learn what your new license can mean is to chat with the old timers who've been there. Mail a check to HARC. Mail a check to HARC.

Name __________
Callsign __________
Address __________
City __________
StateZIPCODE __________

ARRL Member? (Yes) (Life) (No)

Dues for 2005 are due and remain $15
Mail to:

Attn: Treasurer
98-1547 Akaaka Street
Aiea, HI 96701


We must have some volunteers for year 2005 in HARC. The work is not hard so volunteer at or before the meeting.

What would YOU like to do in HARC?

I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?

May Meeting Topics

Breakfast, pick up your QSLs
Introduce guests and new Members
Report from the SM and opportunity to discuss his message and ask questions.
Learn what YOU can do to fight restrictive covenants and BPL. Discuss the RFI Lecture and questions you have for the June 6th or 7th session at the Ala Wai Clubhouse.


W5YI VE Session at HARC Meetings

The W5YI VE team is headed by Lee Wical KH6BZ.

The VE Session will follow the HARC Meeting. If you have any question, contact Lee. The fee is set by the FCC. You need your current license and a copy of it, plus a photo ID, if you plan to upgrade.

HARC, John D. Peters K1ER
98-1547 Akaaka Street
Aiea, HI 96701-3051