Hono Amateur Radio Club

Volume 7, Issue 1 An ARRL Affiliated Radio Club January 1, 2003

Mark your calendar - PLEASE ATTEND!
Saturday January 18, 2003
ZIPPY'S on Vineyard Blvd
Corner of Vineyard and Mauna Kea Streets
Entrance on Maunakea Street

Inside This Issue
1 President's Message de K1ER
2 Notes from Peter Demmer, KH6CTQ-Builder
3 W5YI VE Session after HARC Meeting
4 Meeting /OT Birthday Notice
5 Calendar of Events/FCC News
 6  News of interest

President's Message

Here we go again

John D. Peters K1ER

President HARC

This is our first meeting in 2003, please try to attend.

News and comments

The January HARC meeting is a chance to reflect on the future of this Amateur Radio Club. We need a new Treasurer and anyone is able to volunteer for the other offices. We MUST have a new Treasurer since Ray is resigning. He's beyond his fingers and toes and can't count higher.
We are doing a few things for Amateur Radio, besides proving the BEACON for Hawaii and a 2 meter repeater.
We continue to add new hams at a slow but steady rate. Lee Wical KH6BZF and his W5YI VE team frequently test and we typically add at least one new licensee per session. I have been getting "What do I do?" "How do I get a ham license?" Email so there are new hams out there waiting to be found.


We need to increase the number of hams and those who want to be hams, both in HARC and in Hawaii. If you know a ham who is not a member or HARC, invite him/her to join. If you know someone who might like ham radio, invite him/her to a meeting so we can sell ham radio. The effort to get a license is well worth expending as WE know.
Please RENEW NOW for 2003. Pay your 2003 Dues for HARC.

Old Timer BIRTHDAY Notice

We really VALUE our experienced members! If you are a member of HARC and over 70 and your birthday was in December or January and you attend the January meeting, we'll treat you to breakfast. We appreciate YOU. Come teach the kids.

CLUB PROJECT Amateur Radio School in Guadalcanal H4 Progress report.

Try to find and QSO H44A, the club station of the Amateur Radio School of the Solomon Islands. There is almost NO Amateur Radio Activity in H4, and that includes Guadalcanal H44 and Temotu H40. The School is sponsored by the Disaster Preparedness Council of the Govt. and is FREE. The students are the VILLAGE PEOPLE, many of whom have never used a telephone. The school covers all radio basics, theory, hands on, procedure, etc. To graduate each student must have 10 contacts on the club station H44A on 28490. LOOK FOR THEM ZULU Mon to Fri 2200-0500. (Our Sun to Thurs). They need donated OLD but working ham gear, wire, test equipment, soldering iron, books. Both the SCHOOL and the new hams need donations. They have NO MONEY in H4.

More on www.h44a.com. I have asked for ARRL help with old unsold ARRL books but they said no. HARC will help send donated items to the school..

HARC has sent 3 or 4 large boxes of BOOKS, manuals, Magazines, Handbooks, Maps and ham related classroom material to the Radio School. I am waiting for a confirmation of safe arrival from one of the volunteer instructors from Australia before sending the next box. I have received donated equipment, tools, test equipment, parts, which will be shipped to the Radio School for the New Hams. Both Guam and the Solomon Is were recently devastated by typhoons. But in H4 they did not even have enough money to send the coast guard boat to the islands to check on the residents. "THE BOAT" the country only has one. The bottom line, IF we want hams in H44 and H40, lets continue to support them in 2003.

CONGRATULATIONS to Ted Chernin. Awarded the QCWA 70 Year Licensed Award.

73 John






This is the first in several articles to be presented to the my fellow amateur radio fraternity members of the HARC. They will be to be published in the present format of the HARC NEWSLETTER as a hard copy and ultimately, in our electronic data web page format. SEE IT AT THE MEETING.

If properly constructed, a loop will exhibit an extremely high Q resonant, minimal loss circuit that directly results in a radio frequency filter that actually enhances the selectivity into any radio receiving circuit. Why the loop? Today, more so then in the past, radio antenna real estate for most of us, is becoming less available and or cost inhibitive. The covenant and or non covenant conventional real estate that is available is saturated with radio frequency and many other forms of electrostatic and electromagnetic pollution. Many of our diminishing radio members are already well into the lifestyle of down sizing. For many of us, that spells out to mean condo living. Never the less, we still, from time to time, have a strong hankering to at least, listen into to the Ham Bands or at least, the short wave frequencies. My Lady refers to this hankering and rightfully so, as our dire mental stress need for a techy fix. Achieving the Fix A little sojourn (look-see) back to 1887 and to the experiments of a fellow named Heinrich Hertz who really started this whole antenna loop business.

We find, surprisingly enough, that at that time the Hertz loop simply was an experiment and radio was not. So why the loop? Well, right out of the box we can realize a extremely efficient, physically small radio antenna. Did you realize, that a properly constructed small loop antenna is actually so efficient that a minuscule amount of electrostatic and or electromagnetic energy is actually all that is required to sustain the self oscillations as in a state of resonance. It is actually quite simple to over come most all of the resonant Xl and Xc losses so long as these losses are minimized by way of the loop and capacitor construction. SHORT STACK OF Xc and Xl REACTANCE. We all recall that when we introduce an equal amount of negative - Xc and positive + Xl reactance into any closed circuit they add algebraically. Simply put, 1 ohm of +Xl and one ohm of -Xc equal zero. Yes, zero reactance (as a real resistance) to the flow of radio frequency electrical energy. Wait a second, there is something missing in this thesis. Right, there will always be some real resistance as in ohms DC as it exists in the material and construction of any antenna. Yes, even in the loop antenna. However, there are affordable ways and means to actually minimize and reduce the DC ohmic losses in the construction of the loop antenna.

<<Click here for Pete's illustration - note: it is 157 KB in size>>

The accompanying drawing is but a sketched start in the right direction. As this series of articles unfolds, we will present the alternative forms and application of this wonderfully simple antenna. They will include not only the electrostatic, but the best ever, short wave receiving (SWLing) electrostatically shielded, electromagnetically responsive to all radio wave reception. These articles will culmniate in a presentation of the how and how not to build your own remotely tuned Ham radio loop antenna for both receiving and yes, transmitting. Hang in there, these antennas are not of the typical single turn, capacitor ilk, loop antenna genre. A functional model demonstration will be presented (in a series of up coming HARC meetings presentations). This will be but the first and simplest design. It will be presented at the upcoming HARC meeting on Saturday 18 Jan 2003. So come to the meeting and ask your questions. This is your forum, bring your ham radio decorum.... de... KH6CTQ

Balance $4,256.32

Books to H44 $9.80

Dues $30.00

Balance $4,276.52

Report as provided at the Jan 2003, Meeting. You may pay dues at any time. We're accepting 2003 now. We are ALSO accepting DONATIONS, equipment or money for the Amateur Radio School in the Solomon Islands (H44A).

January 4 was ARRL KID's DAY.

The Rich family of Raytown, Missouri, very near the Harry S. Truman Library was asked by their KID if She could operate from THE MISSOURI. Harry's Battleship. As the Trustee for KH6BB I said SURE, come on out. The Staff of the Missouri Memorial Association was delighted and we had "KID'S DAY on the MO".

If you missed the story on the TV evening news, it also was covered by the local papers. The MO hosted a Teacher's Workshop on Kid's Day to train HI Teachers on using the MO to help teach History. While we had a Licensed Kid on the air in KH6BB, the Kids visiting the MO with their parents were routed into Main Radio so the Kids could talk on the radio on the Mighty Mo. A huge flock of Kids were introduced to Ham Radio, and the MO, by the Extra Class "Kid" control operator. Rebecca Rich KB0VVT was the youngest ham to earn an Extra Class license when she was eight (20 wpm, real Extra). She still prefers CW but was dragged to the phone position to talk to other kids.



2003 Member Application Form

New or renewal, same form. The best way to learn what your new license can mean is to chat with the old timers who've been there. Mail a check to HARC.We want you as a member of HARC.

Name __________
Callsign __________
Address __________
City __________
State/ZIPCODE __________

ARRL Member? (Yes) (Life) (No)

Dues for 2003 are due and remain $15
Mail to:
Ray Thompson KH6IEL
HARC Treasurer
2040 Komo Mai Drive
Pearl City, HI 96782



We must have a volunteer for Treasurer for year 2003 in HARC. The work is not hard so volunteer at or before the meeting.

What would YOU like to do in HARC?

I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?

W5YI VE Session at HARC Meetings

The W5YI VE team is headed by Lee Wical KH6BZ.

The VE Session will follow the HARC Meeting. If you have any question, contact Lee. The fee is set by the FCC. You need your current license and a copy of it, plus a photo ID, if you plan to upgrade.

HARC, John D. Peters K1ER
98-1547 Akaaka Street
Aiea, HI 96701-3051