Hono Amateur Radio Club

Volume 6, Issue 6 November 1, 2002

Mark your calendar - PLEASE ATTEND!
Saturday November 16, 2002
ZIPPY'S on Vineyard Blvd
Corner of Vineyard and Mauna Kea Streets
Entrance on Maunakea Street

Inside This Issue
1 President's Message de K1ER
2 Notes from ARRL Pacific Section Manager
3 W5YI VE Session after HARC Meeting
4 Meeting /OT Birthday Notice
5 Calendar of Events/FCC News
 6  News of interest

President's Message

Here we go again

John D. Peters K1ER

President HARC

This is our final meeting in 2002, please try to attend.

News and comments

The November HARC meeting is a chance to reflect on the year in Amateur Radio. The breakfast is good and so is chatting with other Members. We are adding new hams at a slow but steady rate. Lee Wical KH6BZF and his W5YI VE team frequently test and we typically add at least one new licensee per session.

I won't devote much time to local ARRL news, because I don't have any. In fact I have been spending my time on antennas, listening, and enjoying the remarkable resurgence of the HF bands. The Sun Spots are going down but when you can still find a new DXCC country nearly everyday it's hard to notice. The two best contests in Amateur Radio are in October and November. The SSB and CW CQWW DX Contests. If you think ten meters is dead, listen on those weekends. The bands are wide-open world-wide, even 6 meters is open. On the non-contest days there is merely a lack of on air activity. Pick a direction and call CQ sometime. If you're not a DXer, don't worry, you'll discover that part of ham radio someday. EARC. I attended the EARC meeting and heard a very good, and interesting history of VHF and repeaters in Hawaii by Bob AH6J, our ARRL SM. The new and clear frequency repeater on top of Mauna Kea is still being tested but will be ready for the next Hawaii Emergency like a Hurricane. Be prepared at your home station too. Do YOU have emergency power? Can your antenna stand up to 140 mph winds? At least one Member station HAS been tested with the tower fully up by those winds in a Hurricane.


We need to increase the number of hams and those who want to be hams, both in HARC and in Hawaii. If you know a ham who is not a member or HARC, invite him/her to join. If you know someone who might like ham radio, invite him/her to a meeting so we can sell ham radio. The effort to get a license is well worth expending as WE know.Please RENEW NOW for 2003. Pay RAY.

Old Timer BIRTHDAY Notice

We really VALUE our experienced members! We should have started long ago, but we didn't think of it. We will send a Club (HARC) Birthday Card for every Member's Birthday for those over 70. We'll sign them at the meeting. If your birthday is in October or November and you attend the November meeting, we'll treat you to breakfast. We appreciate YOU. Come teach the kids.

CLUB PROJECT Amateur Radio School in Guadalcanal H4

I recently had a one-hour QSO with H44A, the club station of the Amateur Radio School of the Solomon Islands. There is almost NO Amateur Radio Activity in H4, and that includes Guadalcanal H44 and Temotu H40. The School is sponsored by the Disaster Preparedness Council of the Govt. and is FREE. The students are the VILLAGE PEOPLE, many of whom have never used a telephone. The school covers all radio basics, theory, hands on, procedure, etc. To graduate each student must have 10 contacts on the club station H44A on 28490. LOOK FOR THEM ZULU Mon to Fri 2200-0500. (Our Sun to Thurs). They need donated OLD but working ham gear, wire, test equipment, soldering iron, books. Both the SCHOOL and the new hams need donations. They have NO MONEY in H4.

More on www.h44a.com. I have asked for ARRL help with old unsold ARRL books. HARC will help send donated items to the school.

Some LID posted an unrelated travel warning to HIHAM, ignore it.

73 John




Bob Schneider, W6CF, Pacific Section Manager ARRL

The SM report will only be on the WebPages after January: QST won't print it. You'll find more info there. http://www.arrl.org/sections/PAC.html

On October 12, BIARC (Big Island ARC) and KARS (Kona Amateur Radio Society) sponsored a Hamfest in Keaau. About 65 people came. The talks by Jim Maxwell, W6CF, and Dennis Niles, KH6XT, were well received. Dennis's talk on HR-4720 gave insight into the intricacy of Antenna Regulations.

On Wednesday October 23 Dennis Carvalho and I attended the State VOAD meeting (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters). Most of the discussion was about making sure Amateur Radio Resources were spread out so all agencies needing communications support are equally served in an emergency.

Four people from PAC section have passed the EC-001 course in the last month. WH7Y, KH7T, AH6JA and (me) Bob Schneider, AH6J.


Balance $4,324.45

Newsletter $12.58

Dues $30.00

InterestBalance $4,341.87

Report as provided at the Nov 2002, Meeting. You may pay dues at any time. We're accepting 2003 or 2002 now. We are ALSO accepting DONATIONS, equipment or money for the Amateur Radio School in the Solomon Islands (H44A).

FCC Weekly report from Riley Holingsworth

The FCC Enforcement logs are all posted to the ARRL WebPages and you can find them at: http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/

From the Enforcement Log Nov 2, 2002 (Abbreviated content, read it all on line)

October 16, 2002
Michael Struley
15143 Morrison Street
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Subject: Warning Notice--Unlicensed Radio Operation
Case # EB 2002-453

Dear Mr. Struley:
Information before the Commission indicates that you have been operating radio-transmitting equipment without a license on the Two Meter Amateur Radio Band.
Your operation is causing interference to licensed stations.
Please be advised that operation of radio transmitting equipment without a license is a violation of Section 301 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 301, and will subject you to fine or imprisonment, as well as an in rem seizure of any non-certified radio transmitting equipment, in cooperation with the United States Attorney for your jurisdiction. Monetary forfeitures normally range from $7,500 to $10,000.
You are requested to contact me at 717-338-2502 to discuss this matter.
CC: Western Regional Director, FCC

Editor's NOTE. Being cited by the FCC does NOT mean the person cited is guilty, but it's up to him to satisfy the FCC. These notes are UNEDITED copies of the FCC enforcement log for the date listed.


We always play it by ear at the HARC meeting, but we always introduce everyone and any guests. If you have old but working equipment, tools, parts, books for the Radio School please bring them to the HARC meeting. The HARC is sending useful material to this international goodwill effort. We need more hams in H44 and H40, please help. It's all volunteers helping this friendly government's project.

2002 Member Application Form

New or renewal, same form. The best way to learn what your new license can mean is to chat with the old timers who've been there. Mail a check to HARC.We want you as a member of HARC.

Name __________
Callsign __________
Address __________
City __________
State/ZIPCODE __________

ARRL Member? (Yes) (Life) (No)

Dues for 2003 are due and remain $15
Mail to:
Ray Thompson KH6IEL
HARC Treasurer
2040 Komo Mai Drive
Pearl City, HI 96782


What do YOU want HARC to do?

What would YOU like to do in HARC?

I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?

W5YI VE Session at HARC Meetings

The W5YI VE team is headed by Lee Wical KH6BZ.

The VE Session will follow the HARC Meeting. If you have any question, contact Lee. The fee is set by the FCC. You need your current license and a copy of it, plus a photo ID, if you plan to upgrade.

HARC, John D. Peters K1ER
98-1547 Akaaka Street
Aiea, HI 96701-3051