Hono Amateur Radio Club

Volume 6, Issue 3 May 1, 2002

Mark your calendar -
Saturday May 18, 2002
ZIPPY'S on Vineyard Blvd
Corner of Vineyard and Mauna Kea Streets
Entrance on Maunakea Street


Inside This Issue
1 President's Message de K1ER
2 Notes from ARRL Section
3 W5YI VE Session after HARC Meeting
4 Meeting
5 Calendar of Events/FCC News
 6  News of interest

President's Message

Here we go again

John D. Peters K1ER

President HARC

Revision to the March 2002 HARC NEWS.
Jim Maxwell, W6CF, Pacific Division Dir, ARRL
Jim called me after reading my message in the last HARC News. I've known Jim for over 40 years and respect him as a DXer, Amateur and friend. He wanted to ensure that we know he was really forced to cancel his flight to Hawaii (in time for the 2001 ARRL Convention) because of a serious problem in his family. (We've all experienced that.) He still has his (non refundable) ticket to Hawaii and plans to come and ensure we know he still loves us this Spring or Summer. Perhaps a joint meeting of all the Amateur Radio Clubs on Oahu, with visitors from the other islands, can be arranged when he's here. Think about ALL the questions and topics you've wanted to discuss with a REAL ARRL Official with some clout on the ARRL Board. Read the Board Minutes in the last QST received and perhaps you'll think of some questions.

We need to increase the number of hams and those who want to be hams, both in HARC and in Hawaii. If you know a ham who is not a member or HARC, invite him/her to join. If you know someone who might like ham radio, invite him/her to a meeting so we can sell ham radio. The effort to get a license is well worth expending as WE know.

ARRL Section Manager Election
I told Jim Maxwell I thought the turnout of only 300 voters for the SM election (he called to congratulate me for escaping) was a sign of apathy or lack of interest in the ARRL. On the contrary, Jim considered it a GOOD sign with over 50% of the Members in the Pacific Section voting. Most sections do not muster 50% for the election. So thank you for voting!

Old Timer BIRTHDAY Notice
We really VALUE our experienced members! We should have started long ago, but we didn't think of it. We will send a Club (HARC) Birthday Card for every Member's Birthday for those over 70. We'll sign them at the meeting. AND if your birthday is in April or May and you attend the May meeting, we'll treat you to breakfast. If your birthday is June or July and you attend the July meeting, etc. 70, 75, 83…70 and older. We appreciate YOU. Come teach the kids.

QCWA AWARDS for 65 Years Licensed
Congratulations to Ted Chernin KH6GI and Joe Fenn KH6JF who received their 65 years of Distinguished Service certificates from QCWA at the March HARC meeting.

UPGRADE, tell your friends!

A W5YI VE testing session will follow the meeting for those desiring to upgrade their licenses or try for a new one. Contact Lee Wical KH6BZF for more details. Walk ins are NOT accepted unless someone has REQUESTED that they be tested. Tests will be held ON REQUEST. Call Lee FIRST so the VE are ready. Tell the new ham to come for Breakfast at 0900 and enjoy the meeting, then take the test for a license. Call Lee first so the VE are prepared.

You have seen this before unless you're a new member.

The club repeater KH6WO/R on 146.18/78 is the club repeater. Try it. The club beacon station is receiving SWL reports from all around the world. KH6WO (beacon) is part of the NCDXF world wide system and you can read all about it on the internet. http://www.ncdxc.org and click on beacons. Want to know which bands are open to any area, this is one way to find out.

If you chase DX at all, try DX MONITOR, it's free and you'll love it.

73 John




Jim Maxwell, W6CF, Pacific Division Director ARRL

As you will have already read in President K1ER's column, I was not a happy camper when my wife and I had to cancel our trip to Hawaii last October. We were packed, the car was loaded, and we were about 2 hours from the time we planned to leave for the airport, when conditions changed and we couuldn't leave. I know that rumors have floated around Hawaii that we cancelled because of a lack of interest in or respect for hams in Hawaii. Not true. And if you hear those strange rumors again, please file them in your "baloney" folder, for that's what they are.

John mentioned that my wife and I each have perfectly good round trip tickets to Hawaii. We must use them and we will use them. I've been planning the next trip with some of you folks. Plans aren't firm, but when they are, I hope that it we can meet in Honolulu and elsewhere for a good ragchew.

73, Jim W6CF


Balance Jan 17 $4,048.85

Newsletter $40.58
Checks $16.50
State Fee $ 5.00

Dues $263
Interest 63c

Balance March 16, 2002 $4,250.40

Report as provided at the March 16, 2002, Meeting. Our annual license fee to the State is paid. Our new Treasurer is up to speed and working for you.

FCC Weekly report from Riley Holingsworth

The FCC Enforcement logs are all posted to the ARRL Webpage and you can find them at: http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/

From the Enforcement Log April 19, 2002 (Abbreviated content, read it all on line)

April 5, 2002

Dear Mr. Ruppe:

Information before the Commission indicates that you have been operating radio-transmitting equipment without a license on various frequencies in the Amateur Radio Service.

We note that your license was cancelled on June 15, 2001.

Please be advised that operation of radio transmitting equipment without a license is a violation of Section 301 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 301and will subject you to fine or imprisonment, as well as an in rem seizure of radio transmitting equipment, in cooperation with the United States Attorney for your jurisdiction. Fines normally range from $7,500 to $10,000.

You are requested to contact me at 717-338-2502 to discuss this matter.


We always play it by ear at the HARC meeting, BUT, you may expect to question the ASM on what the new SM plans. (What is being done to recruit, both for Amateur Radio and ARRL, and what is being done to improve services and value of the ARRL membership to a member in Hawaii? Etc.) The BMARC, Battleship MO ARC had a meeting and review of the club station and it's operation. Come learn about radio on the Battleship MISSOURI.

Normally six per year, plus special events:
Third Saturday, ODD Months, 0900-1030
May 18 0900 At Zippys
July 20 0900 At Zippys
September 21 0900 at Zippys
November 16 0900 at Zippys

Field Day and Special Events when planned.

2002 Member Application Form

New or renewal, same form. The best way to learn what your new license can mean is to chat with the old timers who've been there. Mail a check to HARC.We want you as a member of HARC.


ARRL Member? o Yes o Life o No.

Dues for 2002 are due and remain $15

Mail to:
Ray Thompson KH6IEL
HARC Treasurer
2040 Komo Mail Drive
Pearl City, HI 96782


What do YOU want HARC to do?

What would YOU like to do in HARC?

I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?

W5YI VE Session at HARC Meetings

The W5YI VE team is headed by Lee Wical KH6BZ.

The VE Session will follow the HARC Meeting. If you have any question, contact Lee. The fee is set by the FCC. You need your current license and a copy of it, plus a photo ID, if you plan to upgrade.