Inside This Issue | |
1 | President's Message de K1ER |
2 |
Notes from ARRL Section |
3 | W5YI VE Session after HARC Meeting |
4 | Meeting |
5 | Calendar of Events/FCC News |
6 | News of interest |
President's Message
Here we go again
John D. Peters K1ER
President HARC
Hawaii ConventionI hope you managed to attend our 2001 Convention in October. It was not as large as planned because of the terrorist attack in September, and because some ARRL guys did not think we were as important as the Convention in California. Remember that in any ARRL Election, the incumbents did NOT care about Hawaiian hams.
2002 ConventionOur plans for a 2002 Hawaii State ARRL Convention were disrupted by a surprise from HILO as you can read in the column to the right. So we are starting work on a bigger and better 2003 ARRL Hawaii Convention. We discussed our general plan with Gordon West at our joint club meeting with him and we expect strong support from Gordon West and the major dealers and manufacturers of Amateur Radio Equipment. We are also planning to provide speakers you will WANT to meet and hear. Stay in touch with the plans. We'll discuss the ongoing plans at our meetings.
--------------------------------------------------------------HARC Officers and Elections.
We have a new TREASURER in HARC. After many years of dedication and faithful service Phil Preece retired and turned the accounts over the Ray Thompson KH6IEL. Phil-Thank you for your service and hard work. We'll miss you, but don't stop coming to the meetings. Ray-welcome to the HARC as an officer. Thanks for volunteering to serve.ARRL Section Manager Election
If you are not an ARRL Member you won't care, and if you are an ARRL Member you may not care, but the SM election was close. Congratulations to Bob AH6J the new SM. SM remains in Hilo for another term. Lee Wical will continue to represent ARRL on Oahu as both he ASM and Asst to the Division Director.
I thank anyone who voted for me, the election was decided by 25 votes. That is remarkable since Bob has been SM before and this is the first time I ran for the office. I guess he got my vote and 24 other guys.UPGRADE, tell your friends!
A W5YI VE testing session will follow the meeting for those desiring to upgrade their licenses or try for a new one. Contact Lee Wical KH6BZF for more details. Walk ins are NOT accepted unless someone has REQUESTED that they be tested. Tests will be held ON REQUEST. Call Lee FIRST so the VE are ready. Tell the new ham to come for Breakfast at 0900 and enjoy the meeting, then take the test for a license. Call Lee first so the VE are prepared.
You have seen this before unless you're a new member.
The club repeater KH6WO/R on 146.18/78 is the club repeater. Try it.The club beacon station is receiving SWL reports from all around the world. KH6WO (beacon) is part of the NCDXF world wide system and you can read all about it on the internet. and click on beacons. Want to know which bands are open to any area, this is one way to find out.
--------------------------------------------------------We have 66 Members in the HARC. So far in 2002, only 23 have paid their dues for this year. If in doubt, send in your check to Ray and give the new HARC Treasurer some exercise. The dues are small and your benefits are great.
73 John K1ER
January 13, 2002
Ron Philipps, ARRL Pacific Section ManagerHilo ARC, Convention Coordinator
Dear Sir or Madam:
As a result of the splendid presentation to the hams representing the Amateur Radio Clubs on Oahu, at the Koolau Amateur Radio Club (KARC) meeting on January 12, 2002, by ARRL Section Manager Ron Phillips; we have decided to postpone the next Hawaii State ARRL Convention until 2003. We had not realized the extensive international coordination and contractual commitments you had made with a luxury resort, Japan Air Lines (JAL), and the Japanese Amateur Radio League (JARL). We were very disappointed with your lack of OHANA, cooperation and coordination that was evident in your single, outer island approach to a Radio Convention, which would potentially interfere with the planned ARRL State Convention.In order to prevent embarrassment with the JARL, we have decided to hold the next Fifth Annual Hawaii State ARRL Convention in 2003. We will NOT "cut the legs from under your plans"!
We eagerly anticipate your schedule of events, banquet plan, forum plan and speakers list. Please provide them to the Amateur Radio Clubs on Oahu, where 80% of the Amateur population of the state of Hawaii lives,so we may publicize your event on the island of Hawaii where 20% of the population lives!.
The speakers and programs which we HAD planned will be conducted in 2003. These include Riley Holingsworth, FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement, Jim Haynie President ARRL, Gordon West, Ham Radio Outlet, AES and the major amateur equipment manufacturers. Do NOT attempt to obtain these speakers for your event. We do not want a legal battle for damages should you attempt to injure the 2003 Convention by interfering with these participants.
Good luck with your 2002 plans. Please keep me informed of your progress.
----------------------------------------------------------This Letter was sent on Janury 13, 2002 to those who planned a separate 2002 convention in conflict with the one on Oahu. I do not have later information on the covention they said was planned on the "big island."
Lee R. Wical, KH6BZF
Chair,, Hawaii State ARRL Convention 2002
Treasurers Report: Ray Thompson KH6IEL
Thank you to the 23 Members who have paid their dues for 2002. Everyone else please use the form on this page, or in person at the meeting, pay your dues.
We moved our account to the Bank in Aiea on January 17, 2002.
Deposits (dues) $188.00 Interest $0.63
Fees (new checks) $16.50
Balance $4,220.98 on February 19, 2002
FCC Weekly report from Riley Holingsworth
The FCC Enforcement logs are all posted to the ARRL Webpage and you can find them at:
"Good Amateur Practice" ltr from Riley to WorldRadio
"Good Amateur Practice is a hard thing to define. I'd have to say it's operating wit the realization that frequencies are shared, that there's going to be occasional interference and that's no reason to become hatful and paranoid. You have to realize that more people listen than ever before, especially since the events on 11 September, and our rights end where another person's begins.It means giving a little ground even if you have a right not to, in order to help preserve Amateur Radio and not cause it to get a bad name or hasten the day when it becomes obsolete.
It means not using that one Kenwood rig on 6 kHz bandwidth when there are lots of people on the band.
It means not acting like an idiot just because you were stepped on. It means being aware that we all love Amateur Radio, and why damage it just to save face?It means cutting as net or a contester [or a KH6 in the 40 meter sub band?] a break even if you don't have to and even if you have no interest whatsoever in nets or contesting.
It means being nice, because one thing we don't need more of are idiots in the radio world. Now this doesn't touch on a lot of technical issues such as using 1,500 Watts when your signal report received is 20 over 9.
It just means a lot of things that can't be quantified, such as respecting a band plan because it makes it possible for every mode to have a chance. [Note the current ARRL Band Plan at least mentions KH6 SSB at 7075-7100.]
It means operating as if the whole world is listening---because it is!It means operating so that if a neighbor, niece or nephew or news reporter hears you, that person is impressed with Amateur Radio.
It means realizing that every right carries responsibilities, and just because you may have a right to do certain things doesn't mean it's right to do them in every circumstance.
It means just because you haven't done a creative thing in Amateur Radio in 25 years, and have been on the same frequency every morning for 135 years shooting the breeze with Harry, who's 200 miles away, doesn't mean you own the Freq.
Normally six per year, plus special events:
Third Saturday, ODD Months, 0900-1030
March 16 0900 At Zippys
May 18 0900 At Zippys
July 20 0900 At Zippys
September 21 0900 at Zippys
November 16 0900 at ZippysField Day and Special Events when planned.
Swap Meet on April 6, 0800-1100 Fliers were distributed.
2002 Member Application Form
New or renewal, same form. The best way to learn what your new license can mean is to chat with the old timers who've been there.
Mail a check to HARC.We want you as a member of HARC.
State/ZIPCODEARRL Member? o Yes o Life o No.
Dues for 2002 are due and remain $15
Mail to:
Ray Thompson KH6IEL
HARC Treasurer
2040 Komo Mail Drive
What do YOU want HARC to do?
What would YOU like to do in HARC?
I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?
W5YI VE Session at HARC Meetings
The W5YI VE team is headed by Lee Wical KH6BZ.
The VE Session will follow the HARC Meeting. If you have any question, contact Lee. The fee is set by the FCC. You need your current license and a copy of it, plus a photo ID, if you plan to upgrade.