Inside This Issue | |
1 | President's Message de K1ER |
2 | ARRL SM Election |
3 | W5YI VE Session after HARC Meeting |
4 | HARC ELECTION Information |
5 | Calendar of Events/FCC News |
6 | News of interest |
President's Message
Here we go again
John D. Peters K1ER
President HARC
The biggest news this time is the SM election for ARRL Members, or the visit of Gordon West to Hawaii in December 2001 and his plan to both attend the 2002 HI State Convention AND bring both Ham Radio Outlet (HRO) and Equipment Manufacturers and other dealers to the Convention.
Gordon West is well known for his excellent set of Amateur License Manuals, but he actually runs a radio school to teach amateur radio to prospect hams. He was a most entertaining and informative speaker at a special meeting of several (at least four) radio clubs in December. If you attended you know what I mean and can tell your friends to plan to attend the 2002 Hawaii State Convention on Oahu next fall. Sorry if you missed the show, talk, demonstrations, jokes, etc.
If you have not yet attended a HARC meeting at ZIPPYS, try it. The food is good, service is fast, plenty of parking.
DIRECTIONS: For the few who don't know where it is. You can drive MAUKA (uphill) on Mauna Kea and turn right into the parking lot just before Vineyard. (Dead end at Vineyard.) Or you can get on Vineyard from either direction fromH-1. ZIPPYS is on the downhill side, toward Waikiki and you turn on Mauna Kea to enter the parking lot.
UPGRADE, tell your friends!
A W5YI VE testing session will follow the meeting for those desiring to upgrade their licenses or try for a new one. Contact Lee Wical KH6BZF for more details. Walk ins are welcome, BUT ONLY IF SOMEONE CALLED to request a VE test. Tell them to come for Breakfast at 0900 and enjoy the meeting, then take their test for a license. Call Lee Wical KH6BZF if you want a VE test. We ONLY bring the volunteer examiners and material IF YOU ASK FOR A TEST. NO CALL, NO TEST SESSION. OK?
The club repeater KH6WO/R is on 146.18/78. Try it. USE IT. It's YOUR repeater. The new machine is much better at rejecting intermod and front-end overload so you should receive better service. The antenna is above Aiea and has been hit from Koko Head, Kaneohe, Schofield, good coverage for H-1 and Kam Hwy. (Unless you get behind a hill.)
The club beacon station is receiving SWL reports from all around the world. KH6WO (beacon) is part of the NCDXF world wide system and you can read all about it on the internet. and click on beacons. Want to know which bands are open to any area, this is one way to find out.
The Honolulu DX Club is looking for members on Oahu. If you're a DXer, we want you. Contact John K1ER or Lee KH6BZF for information.
The Honolulu Chapter of QCWA is looking for members who were first licensed 25 or more years ago. Were you licensed in 1976? You may be eligible to join this most prestigious of radio amateur organizations.
The FCC NEWS we include in the HARC Newsletter is taken unchanged from the FCC or ARRL WebPages. Check the FCC or ARRL WebPages for more information on their work in their Enforcement Log.
If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
73 John
The Major topics for our January meeting will be the SM election and 2002 HI state Convention. There is no business other than finding a new Treasurer since Phil Preece wants a relief. VE Exams will follow the meeting IF anyone calls to request a license examination. We do NOT ask the Volunteer Examiners to carry the Exam material unless someone asks for a test session.
SM Election
The Senior Elected Official in the Pacific Section
HARC is an ARRL Affiliated Radio Club and many of you are Members of ARRL.
You should have received the ballot for SM in the last few days. There are two candidates and their biographies are included with the ballot.
Take the time to VOTE and mail in your ballot.
The SM may not be able to influence the Board of the ARRL but at least one of the SM candidates will be unrelenting in pressure to get the QRM out of the KH6 allocation on 40 meter SSB.
The International Amateur Radio Union web site at is interesting. A proposal to "harmonize" worldwide Amateur assignments on the 40-meter band; that is, have (perhaps!) a single exclusive worldwide assignment for Amateur Radio rather than the patchwork arrangement we now have is planned for the next WARC. But the ARRL does NOT adhere to the IARU plan for 40 meters!!!!!
W5YI VE Session at HARC Meetings
The W5YI VE team is headed by Lee Wical KH6BZ.
The VE Session will follow the HARC Meeting. If you have any question, contact Lee. The fee is set by the FCC. You need your current license and a copy of it, plus a photo ID, if you plan to upgrade.
Current Officers
Section 97.205 of the Commission's rules states that where there is interference between a coordinated and an uncoordinated repeater, "the licensee of the uncoordinated repeater has primary responsibility to resolve the interference". Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 308(b), gives the Commission the authority to request information from a licensee regarding the operation of a radio station. Accordingly, you are requested to respond to this letter within 20 days from the above date, furnishing the following information ." Much recent FCC enforcement activity has been interference to coordinated repeaters
What do YOU want
HARC to do?
What would YOU like to do in HARC?
I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?