Hono Amateur Radio Club

Volume 4 Issue 6 September 2000

 Inside This Issue

President's Message
Message from Jim, ARRL Director

W5YI VE Session after HARC Meeting
Oahu Emergency Coordinators
Renewal Form (if you need it)
Calendar of Events/FCC News

Meeting Topics


Mark your calendar -
Saturday Sept 16, 2000
Columbia Inn on Kapiolani Blvd
"Mysteries of Propagation"


President's Message
Here we go again
John D. Peters K1ER
President HARC

The biggest news this time is the loss and recovery of my main computer. Plus the Hawaii QSO Party, and the Hamfest planned for November 11, 2000.

Well what first? Have you ever shutdown your main PC one day, then turned it on the next and had the only response a set of BEEPs? Well, when you have over 15,000 files on the machine, including all the HARC and Navy League and Submarine Veterans and personal files, that's not a good sound.

The same error code is generated by a failed mother board and things that cause it to fail. So I bought and installed a new (faster of course) mother board. Still did not work. Plugging in one thing at a time, found my Maxtor, less than one year old, C: drive shorting the ribbon cable-when in either the Master or Slave configuration. BAD SIGN. So call the vendor.

The friendly telephone girl was pleased to inform me that they made drives, they did not sell parts, nor service, nor service failed ones. She suggested a data recovery service. If you have not tried that, they charge $125 to tell you whether the data CAN be recovered. Then $400 to over $1,000 to do it.
15,000 files, hm 7c per file and up.

So I had my son in the business search the back channels and find the same Maxtor drive still in stock on a back shelf in a small computer store. Using the $145 new drive for parts, I returned the original one to service, and GHOST.EXE 'd the files to a new HUGE drive. SO you get a HARC Newsletter.
The HI QSO party seemed like a bust to me. I listened on 20 M SSB and CW during the hours and heard ZERO activity. Perhaps everyone was on 10 M.

There will be a HAMFEST on Nov 11th.

I think we'll have a table for HARC with applications and share it with the DXCC Card checking. At the hamfest last year, the only interest was in swapping old gear. Perhaps it will be more interesting this year. The event will be held at the yacht club on the road that takes you past the Arizona Memorial and the Bowfin Submarine Museum. Just head for the Arizona Memorial but don't park until you're about a mile +/- a bit further down the road past all the sail boats. Watch for signs.

UPGRADE, tell your friends!

A W5YI VE testing session will follow the meeting on Sept 16th for those desiring to upgrade their licenses or try for a new one. Contact Lee Wical KH6BZF for more details. Walk ins are welcome. Tell them to come for Breakfast at 0900 and enjoy the meeting, then take their test for a license. Call Lee or me first.

The club repeater KH6WO/R on 146.18/78 is the new club repeater. Try it. The new machine is much better at rejecting intermod and front-end overload so you should receive better service.

The club beacon station is receiving SWL reports from all around the world. KH6WO (beacon) is part of the NCDXF world wide system and you can read all about it on the internet. http://www.ncdxc.org and click on beacons. Want to know which bands are open to any area, this is one way to find out.

On the subject of DX. I was nominated to be a DXCC (CARD) Field Checker for Oahu. I expect the appointment soon. ARRL works slowly. I took their test and created one for the DXCC HQ Staff. I have NOT heard a response to my test. More news when the appointment has been made and I'm ready to work.

The Honolulu DX Club is looking for members on Oahu. If you're a DXer, we want you. Contact John K1ER or Lee KH6BZF for information.

The OAHU Hamfest is still being actively planned with the date set for November 11, 2000. This is Veterans Day (ARMISTICE DAY) and a holiday. More information about the event will be published closer to the date. We expect it to be larger than last year, more activities, talks, DXCC card checking, Swap Meet, etc. The location is near the Yacht Club on the road that goes past the ARIZONA Memorial and the USS BOWFIN Museum. Both the HARC and KARC support this event. Warren Munro KH6WM is the best source of information for this event.

If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
73 John


Jim Maxwell Pacific Division ARRL Director

Hi to all the HARC members. I am planning a visit to Hawaii to coincide with the HAMFEST in November. I have been in contact with clubs on all the Islands and plan to make it an all island visit for Amateur Radio. I'm searching for low cost travel and lodging right now. Believe it or not, ARRL is not rich. But we ARE interested in you and Amateur matters in Hawaii. I hope to see many of you this fall in person. In my view, this is the key item of current interest to the Pacific Section ---

RF Safety Regulations Fully In Force Sept. 1
The time has come. Effective September 1, every US amateur will be required to be fully compliant with the FCC's RF Safety regulations. For many, perhaps most US hams, compliance means only reading and understanding the regulations themselves. Others, however, effective September 1 are required not only to read and understand the regulations, but must also perform a technical evaluation of their station in order to determine that their stations are compliant with the new regulations. Compliance isn't difficult in most cases; the vast majority of amateurs will find it to be a "slam dunk." However, compliance with the regulations is NOT optional. Even aside from the fact that every US amateur is required to follow the RF safety regulations, in my opinion amateurs owe it to themselves, their families, their neighbors, and the general public to follow the regulations to the letter.

Check the webpage http://www.pdarrl.org for more info.
73 Jim Maxwell W6CF (See you in NOVEMBER)

W5YI VE Session at HARC Meetings
The W5YI VE team is headed by
Lee Wical KH6BZ.

The VE Session will follow the HARC Meeting. If you have any question, contact Lee. The fee is $6.65 set by the FCC. You need your current license and a copy of it, plus a photo ID, if you plan to upgrade.


The FCC's Dale Hatfield, W0IFO, predicts a bright future for Amateur Radio. But the Office of Engineering and Technology chief says that amateurs "will be under a certain amount of pressure" to justify their free use of the radio spectrum. As a result, he said, it will be more important than ever that hams actually fulfill their service, good will and educational roles--not just talk about them.

Hatfield offered his observations as keynote speaker for AMRAD's 25th anniversary dinner June 17 in Virginia. Hatfield told the gathering, "the key issue for the amateur service is maintaining access to an adequate amount of spectrum." While emphasizing that he was not suggesting any immediate threat, Hatfield said hams will have to do a better job of justifying their current allocations.

Hatfield said hams should actually engage in experimentation to advance the state-of-the-art, provide communication and train operators for emergencies, encourage international cooperation and good will, and offer an important technical educational outlet. "Or, to use a bit of slang, it seems to me that it will be even more important for all segments of the amateur community to 'walk the walk' not just 'talk the talk'," he said.

Hatfield encouraged his audience to explore advanced techniques that conserve spectrum, especially digital techniques. As the rest of the telecommunications world transitions to digital techniques, Hatfield said, "the amateur service will look antiquated if it is not making progress in that direction as well."

Hatfield also said software defined radios could facilitate "a new era of amateur experimentation" and, in many ways, represent "a final merger" of radio communications and computers.

The text of Hatfield's prepared remarks is available on the FCC Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/Speeches/misc/dnh061700.html

FCC Weekly report from Riley Holingsworth in on the Internet

Every Sunday there is a new 4 minute audio report from Riley Holingsworth, Special Counsel for Amateur Radio posted to the Internet. It is worth taking the time to listen every week and understand the extent to which the FCC IS back in the Amateur Enforcement business. You'll find the current weeks report at: http://www.rrsta.com/rain/ "RAIN" is the Radio Amateur Information Network and contains other tidbits of possible interest as well.

Or you can just read it for yourself.

The FCC Enforcement logs are all posted to the ARRL Webpage and you can find them at: http://www.arrl.org/news/enforcement_logs/

The ARRL Members Only Web Page is enough to make joining ARRL worth the money!

From the Aug 30, 2000 Enforcement Log:

DIAMOND SPRINGS, CA: The FCC wrote Advanced licensee William F. Crowell, N6AYJ, on August 21, 2000, citing monitoring information before the Commission alleging that the licensee may have engaged in deliberate interference to other amateur operations on 75 meters over the last several months. "This interference consists of unsolicited and unwanted comments and responses to the ongoing communications," wrote FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth. "Such communications have occurred even though your transmissions were not acknowledged and in some cases even after you were requested to refrain from doing so." Hollingsworth noted that he'd spoken with Crowell earlier this year regarding this matter and that Crowell had told him problems with the other operators had been resolved and that Crowell assured him he "would stop such attempts at forcing communications with the other stations." Hollingsworth said such conduct "degrades the Amateur Radio Service for legitimate communications, is contrary to §97.1 and is considered deliberate interference." He requested that Crowell reply within 20 days stating "what actions you are taking to eliminate this type of interference."


The speaker for our September meeting will be Lee Wical, KH6BZF. Lee is a recognized authority in the field of radio propagation and will speak on: "The Mysteries of Propagation" so come and learn more.

Do YOU want to return to a MONTHLY HARC MEETING? Let K1ER know what you prefer for a meeting schedule.


Breakfast, ham topics and VE. Discuss what you like.

Gathering of Hams, about a dozen



Phil Preece NH6SA 732-7201
John Peters K1ER 484-9748
Francis Blatt KH6KH
Ted Chernin KH6GI
Peter Demmer KH6CTQ
Lee Wical KH6BZF 247-0587



  2000 Renewal Notice Form

If we have your address correct on the mailing label on the other side of this page, then you only need to check the box if you're an ARRL member, and mail a $15.00 check to HARC.

If your address has changed please complete the form:

ARRL Member? o Yes o Life o No.

Dues for 2000 are due and remain $15
Mail to:
Phil Preece NH6SA
HARC Treasurer
2049 St Louis Drive
Honolulu, HI 96816


What do YOU want HARC to do?

What would YOU like to do in HARC?

I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?



Shortie Cagalawan NH6UW Skywarn h 540-6888

Joe Esprecion WH6CYB REACT
h 836-1627 bigjoe1058@aol.com

Fred Fortin KH7CR ARES/Red Cross
h 531-4046 ffortin@hmsa.com

Ron Hashiro AH6RH State RACES
h 533-7530 rhashiro@gte.net

Charlie Lum Kee KH6AB HealthComm
h 373-3932 clumkee@usa.net

Mike Wiley WH7T SATERN
h 941-2794 mwiley@lava.net

Bev Yuen AH6NF Oahu RACES
h 262-2845 bevyuen@hawaii.rr.com

Call Mike if you have a question or want to get involved. You may want to save this list of Email and phone numbers so you have it when the next storm hits Hawaii.


HARC, John D. Peters K1ER k1er@arrl.net.
98-1547 Akaaka Street
Aiea, HI 96701-3051

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