Hono Amateur Radio Club

Volume 4, Issue 3 May 2000

 Inside This Issue

President's Message
Message from Jim, ARRL Director
Silent Key WH6T Richard LaChance
KH6KH gets Extra Ticket
DX News
Oahu Emergency Coordinators
Renewal Form
Calendar of Events


Mark your calendar -
Saturday May 20, 2000
Columbia Inn on Kapiolani Blvd


President's Message
Here we go again
John D. Peters K1ER
President HARC

We published a special Edition of the HARC Newsletter for distribution to all those Amateurs showing the good sense and initiative to UPGRADE their LICENSE, and distributed it on April 15, 2000.
We Welcome and Congratulate everyone who either got a new License or Upgraded.
Did you know that more hams upgraded on April 15, 2000 than during ALL OF 1999? The TOTAL number of people who upgraded to General was 2,500 and the TOTAL number who upgraded to Extra was 2,000 for the entire 1999 year. But between 15,000 and 30,000 people upgraded on April 15, 2000.

The FCC rule change was the greatest shot in the arm for Amateur Radio since 1952.
If you are a New Member of HARC, WELCOME. If you are thinking about joining, please do so. Furthermore, if you are a DXer also join the Honolulu DX Club. If you were first licensed 25 years ago (in or before 1975) you should also join QCWA and the Honolulu Chapter of QCWA.
But for all your DOUBTERS! Read this HISTORY!

The discussion about amateur radio restructuring has gone on now for 88 years!

In fact, ever since 1912, when Hiram Percy Maxim was forced to give up his call, "SNY", move above 200 meters, and knuckle under to government regulation including a 5 WPM Morse test.

Then in 1919 they raised the Morse test to 10WPM.

Throughout the 20's CW gradually replaced King Spark, and spark was eventually outlawed.

In 1923 they introduced something called "Amateur Extra First Grade" with special calls and privileges. The class was discontinued when only 6 people applied in 1926.

Then in 1927 they reduced the license classes from two to only one class. Old "Second Grade" had to upgrade within one year, or go QRT.

In 1927 at the international radio conference, the amateur bands were reduced to less than half what we had previously. For example, 40 meters was cut from 7.0 to 7.5 to its present size. 20 was originally 14.0 to 15.0. There were numerous articles in QST and other publications about getting ready for the band reductions, which went into effect in 1929. "1929" transmitters had to be stable and signals had to be narrow and clean.

In 1932 they changed it all again, dividing us up into Class A, B, and C, all with a 10WPM code test.

In 1936 they said there were too many new hams coming into the hobby, so they raised the Morse test speed to 13WPM.

In the early 50's they renamed everybody from A, B, or C to Advanced, General, or Conditional. They also introduced 3 new license classes called Novice, and Technician at 5WPM, and Extra at 20WPM.

In the late 60's they invented something called Incentive Licensing.

In 1976 they quit requiring us to certify we had been on the air for 12 hours last year (for renewal). They also ended the Conditional license.

In 1991 they removed the Morse requirement for VHF/UHF-only licensees.

In 2000 they changed Morse testing back to the 1912 requirement of 5WPM, and the number of classes to 3.

"Ain't it awful what they've done to us?" is the cry.

However, an organization has moved into place to rectify all of this! Better have a look at:


Thanks to Jim Reid, KH7M

A W5YI VE testing session may follow the meeting on May 20th for those desiring to upgrade their licenses. Club repeater on 146.18/78 is the new club repeater. Try it. The new machine is much better at rejecting intermod and front end overload so you should receive better service.

73 John


Jim Maxwell Pacific Division ARRL Director

Hi to all the HARC members. Sorry I cannot be at an HARC meeting in person to deliver this current information, but here is information by remote control. I hope to visit HARC and other clubs in the Pacific Division soon. In my view, these are the key items of current interest to the Pacific Section ---

1. Welcome to all the new Generals and Extras. You'll notice the sky has not fallen and CW continues to be popular on the air. Those who catch the contest or DX bug will learn CW because they want to. I understand the number of upgrades may be in the 15,000 to 30,000 range. A tremendous upsurge in interest in Amateur Radio which we need to harness and encourage.

2. Welcome to the new Hawaii DX Assoc and the revitalized Honolulu DX Club. The Battleship Missouri ARC has also joined our ranks, and a Honolulu Chapter of QCWA is waiting for a charter. WELCOME!

3. California is among several states working on a State Law modeled on the FCC PRB-1 to protect the antenna rights of licensed Amateurs. Wish us luck. Lots of water has to flow over the dam before we have a Bill ready to sign.

4. I am trying to plan a trip to Hawaii to coincide with the HAMFEST in October. I'll hope to see you all.

73, Jim Maxwell W6CF


Richard LaChance, WH6T

Dick passed away just before the warning sirens at 21:45 UTC on May 1, 2000. He had been recently hospitalized at Castle Hospital in Kailua (Oahu) and was recuperating at the home of Al, KH7BM. We'll all miss Richard, who had a big heart for Amateur Radio.VEC, HARC Member, DXer and GOOD GUY…..73 SK

Operation by Generals in Advanced Segments a No-No

According to the FCC, many new General class licensees have asked if they may operate in the Advanced class sub- bands now that no new Advanced class licenses are being issued. The answer is an emphatic NO, according to Bill Cross, W3TN, of the FCC's Public Safety and Private Wireless Division.

The new rules eliminated new Advanced class licensees but it didn't change the Advanced class band segments, which will continue to be enjoyed by both Advanced and Extra class licensees. For those Generals who look with envy at the Advanced class segments, there is one word: Upgrade!

The Band Segments have NOT changed, know your allowed bands.

KH6KH Passes Extra Exam

Many people pass the Extra Class Amateur exam every week, so many that it's really not newsworthy. However, here's a case that is newsworthy.

Mr. Francis Blatt, KH6KH, an Amateur since he was 10- yrs old, and now in his 89th year, last month passed his Extra Class license in one try. Francis has survived five bouts of cancer and presently has failing eyesight. He took the exam using a magnifying glass and heavy eyeglasses. The VEs found it very painful to watch him struggle to read each question and then find the associated number blank on the answer sheet.

Here we have a fine Amateur who can set a standard for those younger. Congratulations, Francis!

Thanks Assistant Director Lee Wical, KH6BZF.

SUBJECT: Amateur Radio license WA4JTK "14.247 DX Group" Net Operations

Dear Mr. Strauss:
This is in response to your undated letter recently received by this office. Your letter is in response to ours to you of November 3, 1999.

Your letter stated that we asked for more information regarding the operation of the "14.247 DX Group". Our letter did mistakenly refer to a date of July 17, 1999, when it should have been July 27, 1999. However, our letter requested no additional information. It was a warning to you that we do not consider this matter closed, will continue to monitor the net operations and will expect the net to share the frequency and not commandeer it from ongoing Amateur communications.

Contrary to your statement, our letter does not conflict with statements made to Mr. Wilson regarding proper identification. Our letter to Wilson plainly stated that stations must comply with Part 97 of the Commission's rules. A station identifying by only two letters of its call sign, that is not recognized or acknowledged so that it eventually gives its call sign within the time limits of Part 97, is in violation of the rules. As long as Part 97 is complied with, it does not matter how a station identifies in the meantime, so long as it is not deceptive.

Our letter further stated that such two-letter identification, where Part 97 is violated, must not be condoned by your group.

W. Riley Hollingsworth
Special Counsel for Amateur Radio
Enforcement Bureau


Breakfast and ham topics. Discuss what you like.

Gathering of Hams, about a dozen


Treasurer Phil Preece NH6SA 732-7201
Secretary John Peters K1ER 484-9748
Francis Blatt KH6KH
Ted Chernin KH6GI
Peter Demmer KH6CTQ
Lee Wical KH6BZF


  2000 Renewal Notice Form

If we have your address correct on the mailing label on the other side of this page, then you only need to check the box if you're an ARRL member, and mail a $15.00 check to HARC.

If your address has changed please complete the form:

ARRL Member? o Yes o Life o No.

Dues for 2000 are due and remain $15
Mail to:
Phil Preece NH6SA
HARC Treasurer
2049 St Louis Drive
Honolulu, HI 96816


What do YOU want HARC to do?

What would YOU like to do in HARC?

I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?



Shortie Cagalawan NH6UW Skywarn h 540-6888

Joe Esprecion WH6CYB REACT
h 836-1627 bigjoe1058@aol.com

Fred Fortin KH7CR ARES/Red Cross
h 531-4046 ffortin@hmsa.com

Ron Hashiro AH6RH State RACES
h 533-7530 rhashiro@gte.net

Charlie Lum Kee KH6AB HealthComm
h 373-3932 clumkee@usa.net

Mike Wiley WH7T SATERN
h 941-2794 mwiley@lava.net

Bev Yuen AH6NF Oahu RACES
h 262-2845 bevyuen@hawaii.rr.com

Call Mike if you have a question or want to get involved. You may want to save this list of Email and phone numbers so you have it when the next storm hits Hawaii.


HARC, John D. Peters K1ER k1er@arrl.net.
98-1547 Akaaka Street
Aiea, HI 96701-3051

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