Hono Amateur Radio Club

Special Edition

Volume 4, Issue 2 April 2000

 Inside This Issue

President's Message
Message from Jim, ARRL Director
Oahu Emergency Coordinators
FCC News - Amateur License Restructure
Renewal Form
Calendar of Events

Mark your calendar -
Saturday May 20, 2000
Columbia Inn on Kapiolani Blvd


President's Message

President's Message
Here we go again
John D. Peters K1ER
President HARC

This is a special Edition of the HARC Newsletter for distribution to all those Amateurs showing the good sense and initiative to UPGRADE their LICENSE.
We Welcome YOU and Congratulate YOU.
As President of HARC, I invite YOU to join HARC and if you are eligible, also join QCWA.
The HARC is probably the oldest Radio Club in Hawaii. We have been in existence for over 30 years. We are a friendly and supportive Radio Club and we require little from you.

The FCC Report and Order of December 30, 1999, was one of the greatest improvements in Amateur Radio since the incentive licensing in 1951. The FCC Rules now are nearly where they were in 1915! We have come full circle. We are back to the original requirements for a Federal Amateur Radio License. They were then, and again are now, the basic ability to copy sufficient Morse Code to "recognize a Distress Signal" or a "Keep out signal". At 5 wpm you can recognize an SOS. If you want to learn more, and thus faster CW, it's YOUR BUSINESS! If you want to chase DX or become a Contester, you will have to learn high speed CW. But YOU DO NOT HAVE TO. The Choice is YOURS.

You also have the choice of several Radio Clubs.
HARC holds a Breakfast meeting every other month. Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep and Nov. We provide a 2 meter repeater on 146.78/18 and a HF Beacon in the Northern Calif DX Foundation international Beacon program. Both use the Club Station Callsign KH6WO. We are an ARRL affiliated Club and highly encourage you to join the ARRL. If you do not like their policies, you have more opportunity to influence them as a MEMBER. Your voice is louder at the FCC or in CONGRESS as a member. The Division Director and Vice Director are both people I have known for over 30 years. They are highly qualified and they care sincerely about Amateur Radio. They care about YOU.
You may also qualify for QCWA if you were first licensed at least 25 years ago and are currently licensed. Ask about QCWA if you think you qualify. They are a Gentleman's Club, in that they are the OLD TIMERS of RADIO. They have more influence at the FCC than the ARRL when there is a disagreement. When QCWA and ARRL agree, the FCC usually listens.

The turnout for the HARC meetings is typically approximately 15, which is a good showing. We have about 60 active members, some out of area. It is a breakfast meeting. You order from the menu when you arrive and chat while you and others eat breakfast. When everyone has finished eating, approximately 10:00 the meeting is called to order and we continue with the program planned.
We have a webpage for HARC thanks to our member Jim Yuen WH6GS. You can read the Newsletter on line and refer your out of town friends to the Web Page for information. You'll find it at http://home.hawaii.rr.com/jy/ham/harc.html Thanks a lot Jim. I continue to receive telephone calls from people interested in becoming ham radio operators, or interested in HARC since the HARC information was posted on the ARRL page (http://www.pdarrl.org) which has a link to the page Jim put together.
Don't forget, if you want to attend a monthly radio club meeting, (in addition to HARC bi-monthly) visit KARC.

The KARC, Koolau Amateur Radio Club. They meet every month on the 2nd Saturday in the visitor center of the Botanic Garden. (From H3 get on Likelike Hwy #63 North toward Kaneohe, look for the signs to Botanical Garden-it's the 2nd right When you see the KH6BZF tower and antennas, turn right and go to the end…..or keep following the signs to Botanical Garden.)

Their meetings start at 9:30 and last until noon, with coffee to keep you alert. It is a very friendly and social group. I recommend a visit to their meeting. A W5YI VE testing session follows the meeting for those desiring to upgrade their licenses. KARC has a newsletter and a WebPage. The easiest way to find a club is to use the link on http://www.pdarrl.org .


The Hawaii NCDXF/HARC Beacon station is getting email (to the trustee) signal reports from around the world so it's loud from the BYUH location.

Club repeater on 146.18/78 has been off the air for several months. The old commercial machine is no longer supported by Yaesu and is not repairable. The Officers and Board voted to buy a new club repeater so you will be able to chat on your way to work or just rag chew on 146.18/78 again very soon. The new machine claims to be much better at rejecting intermod and front end overload so you should receive better service. The repeater is located at the top of AIEA, and is on 24 hr/day, 7day/week.

Good luck to everyone trying to UPGRADE their license.

73 John K1ER



Jim Maxwell Pacific Division ARRL Director

Hi to all the HARC members. Sorry I cannot be at an HARC meeting in person to deliver this current information, but here is information by remote control. I hope to visit HARC and other clubs in the Pacific Division soon. In my view, these are the key items of current interest to the Pacific Section ---

1. I became the Director on Jan. 1, 2000 and Bob Vallio, W6RGG the new Vice Director. Thanks to Brad Wyatt for his years of dedicated service to ARRL and the Division.

2. Enforcement continues in the Pacific Division with additional
license retesting letters, warning letters on jamming and on multiple calls, issued by FCC/CIB (Hollingsworth) in the last few weeks. "Riley the enforcer" is doing a superb job cleaning up the few bad apples and intruders, we all need to support him

3. The FCC's Universal Licensing System (ULS) continues to struggle. You can register and submit changes to your license on line currently, but it is awkward. ULS has processed some more new licenses, but not all; few vanity calls have been issued; the output to the various servers (QRZ.com....) for new licenses and licensees has resumed. FCC/WTB keeps saying it will get better. They are working to make ULS accessible from the Internet, not merely by direct dial into the FCC computer.

4. The number of people rushing to upgrade their license is very encouraging. The FCC Dec 30, 1999, report and order was a surprise in some ways but may rejuvenate many people's interest. Good luck to all those working to upgrade.

73, Jim Maxwell W6CF

FCC News - Amateur License Restructure

By Report and Order, WT Docket No. 98-143, released December 30, 1999, the Commission adopted rules that simplify the Amateur Radio Service operator license structure. The rules also streamline the number of examination elements and reduce the emphasis on telegraphy that underlies the current license structure to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the International Radio Regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions - Amateur License Restructuring
Q. When will these changes start?
A. The revised rules become effective April 15, 2000. These revisions affect examination elements, examination element credit, and the classes of amateur operator licenses that the Commission issues.

Q. Will the number of radio operator license classes change?
A. No. The amateur service database will still show 6 classes of operator licenses. No new Novice or Advanced Class operator licenses will be issued and a Technician Plus Class operator license will be renewed as Technician Class operator license.
For a person entering the amateur service after 4/14, three classes of operator licenses are available. These are:

· Technician
· General
· Amateur Extra

Q. What about the Novice or the Advanced classes?
A. There will be no new Novice or Advanced Class operator license issued after the effective date of the Report and Order. Existing licenses may continue to be renewed.

Q. Is there more than one telegraphy examination required for these licenses?
A. No, there is only one telegraphy examination element and it is a five (5) words per minute (wpm) examination. 13 and 20 wpm telegraphy examinations have been eliminated.

Q. Will the required number of exams change?
A. Yes, the number of written examination elements will change from five (5) to three (3) and the number of telegraphy examination elements will change from three (3) to one (1).

Q. Will additional amateur radio operators be able to administer some of the exams?
A. Yes, authorized Advanced Class amateur radio operators may prepare and administer the examination for the General Class amateur operator license.

Q. Will the Commission automatically upgrade my existing license?
A. No, the Commission will not automatically upgrade existing license privileges.
Current licensees will retain their current operating privileges, including the use of various modes and frequency subbands. Current licensees will also be able to renew their licenses indefinitely and will be able to modify their licenses to show new mailing addresses/names or to obtain vanity call signs.

Q. What are the examination elements?
A. There are four (4) elements :
· Element 1 - 5 wpm Morse code exam
· Element 2 - 35 question written test to obtain a Technician Class operator license
· Element 3 - 35 question written test for a General Class operator license
· Element 4 - 50 question written test for Amateur Extra Class operator license


Mark your calendar -
Saturday May 20, 2000
Columbia Inn on Kapiolani Blvd

Gathering of Hams, about a dozen


Treasurer Phil Preece NH6SA 732-7201
Secretary John Peters K1ER 484-9748
Francis Blatt KH6KH
Ted Chernin KH6GI
Peter Demmer KH6CTQ
Lee Wical KH6BZF


  2000 Renewal Notice Form

If we have your address correct on the mailing label on the other side of this page, then you only need to check the box if you're an ARRL member, and mail a $15.00 check to HARC.

If your address has changed please complete the form:

ARRL Member? o Yes o Life o No.

Dues for 2000 are due and remain $15
Mail to:
Phil Preece NH6SA
HARC Treasurer
2049 St Louis Drive
Honolulu, HI 96816


What do YOU want HARC to do?

What would YOU like to do in HARC?

I need material for this Newsletter. Do you want me to copy material from the Pacific Division ARRL Newsletter? ARRL Bulletins? Why don't YOU write something and send it?



Shortie Cagalawan NH6UW Skywarn h 540-6888

Joe Esprecion WH6CYB REACT
h 836-1627 bigjoe1058@aol.com

Fred Fortin KH7CR ARES/Red Cross
h 531-4046 ffortin@hmsa.com

Ron Hashiro AH6RH State RACES
h 533-7530 rhashiro@gte.net

Charlie Lum Kee KH6AB HealthComm
h 373-3932 clumkee@usa.net

Mike Wiley WH7T SATERN
h 941-2794 mwiley@lava.net

Bev Yuen AH6NF Oahu RACES
h 262-2845 bevyuen@hawaii.rr.com

Call Mike if you have a question or want to get involved. You may want to save this list of Email and phone numbers so you have it when the next storm hits Hawaii.


HARC, John D. Peters K1ER k1er@arrl.net.
98-1547 Akaaka Street
Aiea, HI 96701-3051

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