Cooley, WH6CXW, Ray Moody, AH6LT, Oahu
RACES Coordinator, and Randy Kurashige, WH6AQ, monitor and operate
the HF rig and secondary VHF-UHF Rig from OCDA. The Packet Radio
station is in the background.
Message traffic was received from Oahu hospitals as well as from State Civil Defence RACES which were operating their amateur radio stations as part of the SET. As well, individual hams passed formal messages in the simulation of a communications failure resulting from a hurricane hitting the islands.
Jones, NH6GJ, inspects the field operations set up by Kimo Chun,
KH7U, on the lawn next to the Honolulu Police Department (HPD)
Headquarters in downtown Honolulu. In the background (to the right)
is the single, telescopic, pole erected for the VHV/UHV antenna.
To the left, but out of the picture, is a 40 meter dipole (NVIS)
antenna for HF communications. Focus for this exercise for Oahu
RACES was to test communication paths between the island's police
This assignment at HPD Headquarters, in it's park-like setting, had to be the best assignment of the exercise. A few drops of rain near the beginning of the exercise did cause some concern, however.
Yuen, AH6NF, operates VHF/UHF
and Kimo Chun, KH7U, operates HF during the exercise. Note the
transportable operating station (see next photo).
Chun, KH7U, customized a Zero
Halliburton case to contain a complete HF - VHF - UHF station
complete with AC power supply. A very handy setup for portable
and emergency operations..